Akawe Torkula Poly appoints key officers, calls for effective service delivery

Newspointer June 30, 2024

By our reporter from Makurdi

The Rector of Akawe Torkula Polytechnic, Makurdi, Dr. Martins Moses Agena has approved the appointment of officers to fill up key positions at the institution.

Dr. Agena who announced the new appointments on Friday, June 28, 2023 while meeting with the Polytechnic community, charged the newly appointed Officers to work in synergy, shun every form of interference and sustain the peaceful relationship, understanding and unity of purpose for effective service delivery.

He also urged them to be transparent in their day to day activities and make judicious use of the knowledge deposited in them to move the Institution forward.

The Rector disclosed that the decision to appoint competent hands to head strategic positions became necessary, considering the enormous work required to move the institution forward, which he stressed cannot be done alone.

Those appointed to head the newly created directorates in acting capabilities are Mr. Terungwa Tyav (Quality Assurance); Mrs Margaret Ingyoroko (SIWES); Dr. Terna Nyiekaa (Accreditation); Mrs. Rhoda Nyikwagh (Center for Entrepreneurship Development); Dr. Abigail Agba (Guidance and Counseling); Engr. Joseph Nyityo (Works and Maintenance); Mr. Anthony Tyoagbande (Servicom); and Mr. Terna Iorkosu (Coordinator of Pre National Diploma Programmes).

Appointed as Deans of the newly restructured schools are Mrs. Rebecca Fumilayo Akula, (Students Affairs); Dr. Livinus Liamkundu-Ater (School of Engineering and Related Technology); Dr. Jacob Adeyemi (School of Communication and Information Technology); Mr. Joseph Kase (School of Finance and Related Studies); and Rev. Isaac Ottor (Dean School of Arts, Vocation and Technology).

Those appointed as Heads of Departments include Dr. Abigail Agba (Christian Religious Studies); Mr. John Dankaro (History); Mrs. Member Gerna, (Sociology); Esther Koko-Ker (Economics); Mr. Terna Iorkosu (Government); Dr. Emmanuel Tile Aime (Department of Business Management); Dr. Patrick Gwa (Accounting); Dr. Florence Adah (Science Laboratory Technology); Mr. Fanen Awang (Computer Science); Mr. Moses Kerbem (Fashion Design and Clothing Technology); Mr. Abraham Terkura Ibi (Mass Communication); Mrs. Iveren Asura Philip (Physics); Mrs. Joyce Tyozua (Biology); Mr. Benjamin Iorbee (Chemistry); Mr. Terhemba Hwande (English Language); Mrs Miranda Afa-Uye (Geology); and Mrs Rebecca Akula (Mathematics).

Other categories of appointments include Heads of Units in the Registry and Bursary Departments. Those appointed are Mrs. Hembam Tor-Iordagh and Mr. Manasseh Igbana as Head and Secretary of Establishment respectively; Mr. Abraham Yongu (Staff Development); Mrs. Franca Derkpe (Admissions Officer); Mr. Daniel Gyuse (Internal and External Verifications); Mr. Michael Suur (Student Affairs Officer); Mr. Abraham Terkura Ibi (Information and Public Relations Officer); Mr. Anthony Tyoagbande (Examination and Records); Mr. Abraham Yongu (Pensions Unit); Mr. Ephraim Aboh CNA (Cash Officer and Budget Unit); Mr. John Kumashe (Payroll Unit and Students Account); Mrs. Betty Agom Tor (Fixed Asset); and Mr. Phiniam Mishin (Protocol Officer).

The Acting Registrar, Mrs. Veronica Makurdi commended the Rector for his foresight and ambitious drive towards moving the Polytechnic to greater heights.

In a statement by Abraham Terkura, the acting Information and Public Relation Officer of the institution said the Registrar also congratulated the newly appointed officers, saying their appointments must have come to them as a pleasant surprise and therefore urged them to rise to the challenge to justify the confidence reposed in them.

Speaking earlier, the Acting Deputy Rector (Administration), Mr. Moses Ieren who declared the meeting open, called on members of the Polytechnic community to join hands with the Rector in driving the new vision for the development of the institution.

Mr. Ieren also urged the new appointees to live up to expectations by ensuring that they work assiduously in the discharge of their duties to the glory of God and the benefit of the Polytechnic community.

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