
Score Card of Gashaka, Kurmi and Sardauna Constituency Member House of Rep. David Fuoh

Published Nov. 11, 2024

By Newspointer

The people of Gashaka, Kurmi and Sardauna Federal Constituency are blessed with Hon. David Fuoh as their representative, some call him the “Game Changer, the Mountain Mover, Life transformer, Daf” among others

The concept of democracy as propounded by Sir Abraham Lincoln as government of the people, by the people and for the people which sounded theoretical to many people yet it has been put into reality by Hon. David Abel Fuoh, a two term member representing the good people of Gashaka, Kurmi and Sardauna Federal Constituency at the green chambers in Abuja.

No wander effective representation can only be achieved where and when the constituents benefit from the devidends of democracy especially those amenities which are alien to them.

Several constituents lauds Hon. David Fuoh for his giant stride achievements within his six years of representation.

While others said that the benefits are unprecedented, others observed he has addressed most of the local challenges inherent in their communities.

Prince Humtaro Samson Humtaro, one of the constituents commended the giant stride achievements by member of parliament, encouraging him to keep the flag flying.

Mrs Bridget Dauda also a constituents from Sardauna eulogised Hon. Fuoh for impacting positively to the lives of his constituents.

The team of NEWSPOINTER NIGERIAN Newspaper who visited the projects side in Taraba state mentioned some of those projects executed by Hon David Abel Fuoh as follows;

Rehabilitation of over 40 bore holes in Gashaka and Sardauna Local Government area.

Initiated JAMB free registration for over 3000 candidates within the three LGA.

Completed the reconstruction, furnishing and digitalization of NTA Gembu.

Lobbied and secured FMC Gembu.

Lobbied and secured National Open University Gembu NOUG.

The Disbursement of over 1500 bags of 50kg rice, Matt, Spaghetti, Macaroni, Children clothes and other relief materials to his Constituents to cushion the effects of fuel subsidy removal.

Provision of relief Material to community that was engulfed by a wirl fire in Mayoselbe.

Reconstruction of Nguroje town water project in Sardauna LGA.

Reconstruction of Mayondaga town water project Sardauna LGA.

Completed the construction of a three classroom block with offices in Mbaso Sardauna LGA.

Installation of MTN network service providers in more than 30 communities of Gashaka Kurmi and Sardauna LGA.

Completed the construction of Kwarakwara Dispensary Sardauna LGA.

Completed the construction of Bang Sam Dispensary Sardauna LGA.

Donated bundles of zincs to Tep, a community that was engulfed by natural disaster in Sardauna LGA.

Completed the roughing of Mayodule central Mosque in Sardauna LGA.

Started the Construction of Mbamnga electricity Turbine.

Construction of a block of three classroom block with offices at Kenur Titong Ward in Sardauna LGA.

Initiated the construction of a block of three classroom with offices at Nyanga Titong Ward.

Donated bags of cement to complete the construction of a mosque in Mayondaga.

Electrification of Mbar Nwa, Provision of Relief materials for victims of fire disaster at Mai-idanu

Provision matt for mosque in Vakude

Donated 500,000 for CAN women program held in Gembu SLG

Warwar township hall construction work ongoing

Exam hall in Ndarup ongoing

Renovation of Corper’s lodge at GDSS Mbamnga ongoing

Donation of a bundles of zinc at Barup Mosque

Donation of a bodles of zinc for the completion of a primary School in Kabri.

Construction of water reservoirs at Furu a settlement beside GDSS mbamnga

Appointment of Audu Kabri and over 10 SA across the three LGA

Appointment David mark with NSCDC, appointment of 4 people at FMC and over 40 armies across the 3 LGA.

Donation of Matt to Vakude central Mosque
~ Construction of water reservoir in Mayondaga
~ Construction of a water reservoir in Titong

Construction of a standard three classroom block with offices in Gashaka Karamti ward of Gashaka LGA.

Construction of a standard three classroom block with offices in Baisa Kurmi LGA.

Donated one million Naira to Mayondaga community in a quest to addressing water scarcity.

Renovation of corper Lodge in Mbamnga

Pictures Below:

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